What a rip off
So it would appear that peace and a power sharing deal has come to Zimbabwe, I have not seen the full details of the agreement but from the reports that I have read it would seem that.
Robert Mugabe gets control of the army and it still in control of Parliament. Morgan Tsvangirai gets to carry Mugabe’s luggage of Foreign trips..
So all in all you could say the country is well on the way to recovery. But seriously once foreign companies have started to invest their money back into Zimbabwe how soon will Morgan Tsvangirai have a horrible fatal accident, I don’t know maybe falling in the shower and getting shot in the back 20 times!!
While were on the subject of Amateurs get yourself over to Suburban Amateurs.
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Amateur, Softcore, Solo Girl |
The Circus Begins
John McCain has announced his running mate. So chances are there will be a gun touting redneck in the administration. If I recall didn’t Dick Cheney shoot someone when he was out hunting! So the republican party seems to be setting a precedent with that one.
Apparently John McCain will be making sweeping changes in the white house. First off he will be putting in a stair lift.
It does come as some surprise that the Republican party could only put forward a man who came second to George Bush 8 years ago in the party vote.
But I will be backing McCain to the hilt…. We all need oven chips?!?!
Why not take a look at Real Couples it may not be politics but it sure is more entertaining….
Filed Under:
Amateur, Big Tits, Blonde, Blowjobs, Handjob, Hardcore, Hot Hot Hot |
Merry Christmas
Well it is official Christmas is here, the shops have started out with their Christmas displays and the usual tat gets its seasonal parade. Of course this is good marketing, what with the credit crunch and all. It is probably better to get the money out of the poor fuckers now as by Xmas they will be broke and hocking the wife’s wedding ring to buy the children the latest piece of mass produced plastic crap from the far east. Myself, I’m a simple man and would be quite happy to find Naomi Model In stockings on Christmas morning.
Filed Under:
Amateur, Big Tits, Blonde, Hot Hot Hot, Solo Girl |
What A Waste Of Money
So the Olympics is over then! all that fuss and for just two weeks, I have to say I was surprised that we got so many medals. Although when you think of how much money we have invested to achieve these.. Somewhere in the region of £1 million + per medal. You get to thinking maybe we would have been better off buying some on eBay and investing those XXX Millions into oh, I don’t know, our failing schools, terrible hospitals or maybe get some more police. But what do I know… What I do know is if you want real value for money take a look at the hot bitty at Real Punting. Where you get more pussy for your pounds…
Filed Under:
Amateur, Brunette, Fetish, Hardcore, No Nonsense, Panties & Stockings, Small Tits |
The Future Is .ALT
I don’t care about many things… And there are even less things that I will get out of bed for…
Sack full’s Of Drugs (under the counter or over the counter they are all good.)
Jelly Beans
Hot Music
Bacardi, Soda Over Ice With A Twist Of Lime (The twist is very important)
Emo, Punk Bitty
Just for the moment we will concentrate on the latter and as it’s the weekend here are three of the hottest girls from the all British site Punk Grl… While we are on the subject have you taken a look at the total
babe from Paramore. You really should.
Filed Under:
Amateur, Brunette, Hot Hot Hot, Message From Admin, No Nonsense, Solo Girl, Tattoos |
Dumb But Not Blonde
So I’m in B & Q and overhear a husband and wife talking… So wifey says to him “I want a door that opens”. I’m thinking opening will be high on your list of priority when purchasing such an item, really looking for a door that doesn’t open it looking for a wall. In Bed With Faith your not going to up against it with Faith so take a look at her and her 32GG bags of fun.
On another note It was surprising to see the amount of cars in the B&Q car park with polish number plates… Not wanting to be stereotypical! but OMG
Filed Under:
Big Tits, Blonde, Solo Girl, Teens, Webcam |
Time To Look For Another Job
So My mother was looking for a new computer keyboard so I said I would take her down to PC World to look for one, I needed a new NAS drive so thought I would take a look at their wares.. So my mother went up to the dick in the uniform. I listened to him being quite patronizing about the whole situation. When he was done I asked him the simple question…. “Where are your NAS drives”.. “What is a NAS drive” Well what can you say I choose my words carefully… “You work in a computer shop and you DON’T know what a nas drive is”… “urm, er, urm” “It’s a Network Drive” NAS, Network Attached Storage Drive… “Oh, Oh, We have them but they are not called that, I have never heard them called that”…. So riddle me this then monkey boy when you visit PCWORLD.CO.UK and type “nas drive” into the little search box, why would it bring up 2 results…. Perhaps it is time that you searched the help wanted ads because if your a representation of pc worlds support I think we can all do without a computer. You Know where you won’t get this trouble… Only Carla there a girl who knows her disk drives.
Filed Under:
Brunette, Hot Hot Hot, Panties & Stockings, Softcore |
Gold, Silver, Bronze… What Do You Get For Last?
So the Olympics are on us once again. Should be a good excuse to see a lot of scantily clad girl running around add to that a lot of beefed up guys on steroids and it should be a whole barrel of laughs. I personally think there should be a lot more drugs in sport the idea of a lot of athletes off their heads on magic mushrooms running the 100 meters while being chased by a 12 foot invisible rabbit or wrestlers loved up on ecstasy while trying to grab hold of each other, this would no doubt bring a much greater television audience to this summers games. Lets face it we are not going to do that well. So you might as well take a look Only Melanie at the very sexy and reflect on something we are good at.
Filed Under:
Blonde, Hot Hot Hot, No Nonsense, Panties & Stockings, Softcore, Solo Girl |
Put Some Clothes On And Bring In The Trash
So I read in the paper the other day.
Shoplifters can face an on the spot fine of £80
Putting out your rubbish on the wrong day you can face an on the spot fine of £115
I’m sorry but is this really sending out the right message when the country is as fucked up as it already is.. Are we to believe “littering” is considered worse than theft.
Go take a look at sexy tattooed Justine from Justine’s Bedroom, you never know you might forget the idiocy.
Filed Under:
Amateur, No Nonsense, Tattoos |
Safety First
So I see a girl driving along with her I-Pod on today.. Earphone in and everything.. Now surely that’s not safe? I mean the thing is statistically women are less likely to have an accident. However I put this down to 2 things.
1. They never get to a speed at which they can actually cause an accident.
2. 98.5% of the time a woman is driving in her car she is actually trying to park her car.
So really the safest option all round is Girly Riders
Filed Under:
Anal, Big Tits, Blonde, Blowjobs, Hardcore |