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  Words Of The Day  

W.T.F I Actually Mean

From time to time I will use words or terminology that not everyone one will be familiar with. here is a chance to understand what I mean in a post. I will update this post when the need arises. As a reference I will use

bit·ty [bit-ee] –adjective, -ti·er, -ti·est.

tiny; itty-bitty: a little bitty town.
Chiefly British
containing or consisting of small bits or pieces; fragmentary.

However at popularised by TV show LITTLE BRITAIN Bitty” is also a reference to a woman’s breasts and a more lose reference to women in general e.g..

“Check out that hot Asian Bitty


Main Entry: chav
Part of Speech: n
Definition: the lower class; uneducated and ignorant people
Etymology: perh. Romany chav child
Usage: derogatory slang

Don’t be fooled by that lack lustre entry, Chav can be used in many situation with a variety of meaning.

Mostly chav is used as the dictionary defines. However variation of the word Chav can us used in almost every situation The first thing you need to understand is chav and its variations can be used to describe something being good or bad. Confused? Think back to the late 80’s early 90’s when every thing was “Bad” i.e. “That’s Bad man

Chaved (it)

1.You Chaved it” for example you take a corner at high speed in you Vauxhall Nova, on to two wheel you hold it tight and off you go. This is also an example of “Chaving it”

2.You Chaved it” for example you take a corner at high speed in you Vauxhall Nova, you spin out and hit a tree. This is also an example of “Chaving it

3. You sit down on a bench with your bag open a group of youths turn up you turn your back for 1 second, upon turning back the group of youths are gone along with your phone. “Those little cunts chaved my phone”

Chaving (it)

1. A variation of “having it” derived from Manchester slang. You see something you like so your “Chaving it” generally mean that the item in question will not be paid for.

2. A man in a bar gets into a small disagreement when he then picks up and ashtray and strike the nearest person He would be considered to be “Chaving It

3. You take a corner at high speed in you Vauxhall Nova, on to two wheel hold it tight and off you go. During the corner you action would be “Chaving it” You could also say before or during the corner “I’m Chaving it

4. You take a corner at high speed in you Vauxhall Nova, you spin out and hit a tree. At the point you lose control you are “Chaving it“.

Chavage ( really having the same meaning and usage as “Savage“)

1. You are the passenger in a Vauxhall Nova taking a corner at high speed you have slightly soiled yourself from the two wheel experience, upon exiting the corner you turn to the driver and remark “That was some proper Chavage Terry“.

2. You pass a group of Chavs dismantling a bus shelter, A remark of “Chavage” would be in order.

Croydon Facelift

There are no dictionary entries for Croydon Facelift,

A “Croydon Facelift” is slang for a pony tail pulled so tightly as to give the women the appearance of having a beard and a surprised look (work it out).

( Most commonly you will see a girl dressed in exceedingly revealing clothes with a push up bra, big hoop gold earrings “Croydon Facelift” stolen mobile phone. Who more than likely would sleep with you in exchange for a cigarette, This is “Chav Bitty“. However to sleep with this type of girl is called the “STD lottery“. In the US this type of girl would be called a “Hood Rat“)


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