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Does God Hate Me

So If my day hadn’t been going bad enough I get out of work go to the ATM stick my card in, type in the pin, hit balance check. Now normal you balance would come up on the screen at this point… Not for me, the machine spits out my card and flashes up invalid card!!!!. So I slink away from the ATM cue like a broke man and storm into my bank (Now admittedly my card is out of date but wait.) I walk up to the desk give the smiling lady my card and ask her to give me a balance check and tell me the address on file. She swipes my card waits 30 seconds and then informs me that it is out of date. To which I reply “This is why I want to know what address you have for me so you can tell me why you haven’t sent me a new card” after a lot of faffing around she informs me that 14000 people were not sent their new cards, at which point I politely informed her that I didn’t care and I wanted this fuck up sorted out. I could tell by the look in her eyes that she knew I was in for the long haul. So she hits a few keys and says she has to check with head office as the money that she gives me might not come out of my account, Now this I had no problem with I am quite happy to take the banks money, (they have taken enough of mine over the years). But alas 30 mins later I had the money and she even gave me my card back to torment another helpless bank employee later in the week. So without further ado take a look at Send Your Secretary for all your office fantasies.


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