What He Gives With One Hand He Takes With The Other |
Ain’t Karma A Bitch
So the day was going well I had got back from the shops with my match day supplies, my partner was dressed it latex and pink mesh. Offering her tight little ass for my pleasure. Now I do as you already know have a thing for anal and after not having any for the past 8 months and 4 days, (yes I have been counting) could not wait to get stuck in (btw you can find some get anal sex tips and position on The UK Sex Site). After 40 mins of gentle anal thrusting I could sit back a happy man to enjoy England Play at Wembley. After a lack lustre first half It was a pleasure to see John Terry convert a sweet Beckham free kick, there was something poetic about the old captain setting up the new captain. At around the 90th min I got up to let the cat out and while taking a quick loo trip, I stood thinking what a great day it really had been; Anal, beer and England beating Brazil at the home of football. Only to return to the TV as Brazil slot in a 92nd min equalizer. Karma don’t you just love it? On the end of my anal drought Karma couldn’t just let me have the England win as well. Another Great example is Naughty Belle, beautiful and blonde. You just know that because she is on this earth to even out the balance there is a short, fat, ugly, ginger girl.