
What, What & All That Business
To be honest I don’t know how posh the wives are on Posh Wife. But I couldn’t care less. I mean I don’t care if she has a million in the bank or she is hitting her overdraft, as long as she takes off that little pink top I’m a happy man. So I found out that foxgloves are poisonous, The Garden if full of them. Not my choice but they are there. Which does bring up an interesting point, why do people have deadly flowers in their gardens. It’s just silly. Now I know a lot of people will say that they are “pretty” and “beautiful”. To those people I say “Would you keep a tiger in your airing cupboard”. Of course not, but this is also beautiful and deadly. I guess a plant isn’t going to go for your jugular, unless little shop of horrors is anything to go by. That is the thing though, we find it quite acceptable to have our garden as a death trap and we have Alan Titchmarsh to thank for this. So if you happen to be in Birmingham in the next couple of days and see him at the gardeners world show, you know what to do!