
Strange Choice Of Attire
Now what makes you a slut? If your a guy and sleep with a to of girls you are a “Stud”, however if you are of the female persuasion and like a frequent service with many a different partner you are a “Slut”. On that basis every woman in porn is a slut, so from the people who bought you Suburban Amateurs comes Suburban Sluts. I guess once the girls have done a few shoots for the first they move to the latter. Which brings up a curious second point, Once you become a slut do you lose your dress sense? The reason I bring this up is the girl in the photo. Now we can all agree she is pretty hot but is does beggar the question, “Do you get dressed in the dark?” She has found the combination of; a little yellow top teamed up with a red suspender, stocking ensemble and finished with some black rubber panties to be the look to go with. If this is to be the case it might give us all a better understanding of the fashion industry.