New Labour My Ass
Today’s site is UK Upskirt get a cheeky glimpse of some high quality ass.
Today has been one of those days;
1st. The postman now those guys piss me off something chronic. If your going to open someone’s gate have the decency to close it once you leave, the other thing that really get to me is them forging my signature on recorded deliveries and sticking them through the cat flap. I guess that’s what you get for failing your G.C.S.Es.
2nd. I get a letter from the water company saying they are going to take me to court for unpaid bill. Now fair enough you might say, but when the fuckers have been taking a direct debit out of my bank account for the last year it seems a bit harsh. 30 min on the phone to them and they are all apologetic.
3rd. Now this is the best, I’m a smoker and hate the idea of a smoking ban, I think it should come down to individual establishments to decide what they do. So imagine my surprise to read in the papers that the palace of Westminster is excluded from the ban. If that isn’t the most hypocritical thing you have ever heard! So it really is do as we say not as we do. Thanks New Labour, you really know how to look after the British public. You also have to consider the flip side of a smoking ban, as a result of this ban less cigarettes will be smoked so less will be brought so that’s less tax money. Which mean we will be getting more tax on something else, I’d put my money on fuel, that way the government can fuck us all!