Now I know this is a bit off topic but I had to bring this site to your attention. Now we have all heard of MILF porn and even GILF porn but here is GDILF porn. It just goes to show if you pay someone enough what they will do! The girls are not that bad looking, the blonde in the video is actually quite a cutie. I think they are Germans, although that doesn’t change much. Went to Germany once, it was ok. The fact still remain that these girls are fucking pensioners. A few of these old guys appear in quite a lot of the content which means that they are fucking hot 18, 19 year olds on a regular basis. You really have to hand it to them and the good people at Pfizer from making Old Farts & Young Tarts possible. And for the rest of us it gives us a glint of hope that we can all be porn stars at some point in our life.